Security Health Improvement Program

The Stellar Security S.H.I.P.

Just as ships of the sea are guided by stars and compass, Stellar Security can help your company navigate the virtual waters of cyberspace. Our logo incorporates both of these tried-and-true navigation guides, symbolizing our commitment to providing the best guidance possible and providing information that can help you steer your organization and chart a safe course through cyberspace.

Option: Basic Health & Wellness

This program is designed for organizations that are continuing & maintaining a healthy security environment. This is a standard program that covers common areas of concern for most companies and includes the following programs, delivered on a quarterly basis. We can adjust the order as desired.

  • Interactive Security Awareness – A week-long program with fun & informative daily briefings, mini- quizzes & prize drawings
  • Phishing Testing – Simulation of phishing attempts, employee engagement tracking & reporting. Program can also include Spear-Phishing / Whaling as desired. Follow-up training is also available.
  • Cyber Security for Everyone – Educational program on protecting both personal and company data in the digital world, including good ‘health’ practices for securing information against digital threats and bad actors.
  • Physical Security for Everyone – Educational program for staying safe in the physical world, and good habits to build for security, both inside & outside of work.

Option: Revitalization

This more intensive series is designed for companies that have been through a crisis, such as a data breach or loss, a significant turnover of employees, corporate acquisition, etc.

The Revitalization program consists of modules delivered monthly for a 6-month period. Just as your doctor may prescribe higher concentrations of medicine to get past an illness, this quicker cadence gets more information & education out earlier & with more frequency.

The first two monthly programs are customized, based on the specific crisis situation. Similar to a ship making it through a storm, there are two main things the crew needs to know: ‘What happened & Where are we?’ and ‘What are we doing about it & Where do we go from here?’. We work with key company representatives to tailor the content to ensure both messaging and guidance are aligned and appropriate.

These two are followed by the four programs included in the Basic Health & Wellness program: Cyber Security, Physical Security, Phishing Testing and Interactive Security Awareness. These four are provided on an accelerated monthly schedule, to ensure everyone has a solid foundation in security practices moving forward. (This monthly schedule can be accelerated to a more frequent delivery or slowed as desired.)

Option: Hybrid

For companies that are somewhere in between those two, like many companies are, that’s not a problem. We can adjust from either end of the spectrum to customize a Security Health Improvement Program tailored for your situation.